Where are we?
Seventeen years ago , there were only two kinds cars and making an international call was close to impossible. The country has changed since then on so many different levels. Another thing that is so interesting about India right now is that there is a palpable sense of possibility, of excitement the there is something really big going on. Which is going on in India right now is very sign! Significant in terms of broader changes in the nature of work and changes in how individual will navigate their careers. The best metaphor to describe what going on in work and business in the US right inside our heads. The structure of our brains reveals a lot about the contours our times. Our brains are divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is logica linear and sequential. Of course, we use both sides our brain for most things. But the sorts abilities characteristic of the left hem sphere are becoming less valuable. And sorts of abilities characteristic of the right hemisphere are becoming more valuable Therefore there is a shift from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age India will go through the transition In much shorter period of time and Is forcing workforce to go up the value chain in Phillpines, Malaysia, Indonesia are going to force India up the value chain.
Forces of change... There are three factors that are promoting this shift: Asia, Automation and Abundance Asia In the US, people have been depending on certain kinds of abilities to get ahead accountants, financial analysts, lawyer! etc. A lot of things that these people do can now get done Just as well in India. Just a the migration of manufacturing oversea had a major impact on the US economy, this kind of work moves to India it will definitely change me nature of the labour market and the abilities required to get ahead in this market in the US. Automation is the next factor. The somewhat intellectual tasks are being replaced by software. There is accounting software and legal software that allows certain transactions and solutions. So this is another factor is making these left brain logical and analytical abilities necessary, but no longer sufficient. Finally, Abundance. I mean this in material terms. India's per capita Income is rising, Of course, there are still too many people living in poverty. But standard of living in this country is rising at an astonishing pace.
Tools of the Trade: The jobs that remain in the US and elsewhere won't be "high-tech"; instead, they'll be “high-touch". Design For businesses it’s no longer enough to create a product that’s reasonably priced and adequately functional. Today, it must also be beautiful, unique and meaningful. For example, General Motors says they're in the arts and entertainment business! GM, along with hiring engineers, is also hiring sculptors from Art & Design colleges. Stanford today even has a D-school (Design school) that is rapidly gaining recognition. Google Google makes facts available to everyone in a matter of seconds. When everyone can find facts for free it means that each fact doesn't have much economic value. So what matters more is to put those facts in context and deliver them with emotional impact, that's what stories do. Story-telling is crucial in management and leadership, in knowledge management and a way to differentiate products and services in a crowded marketplace. After formal Knowledge Management System (KMS) failed miserably at an IT consulting company in Southern California the CIO walked one day, with a camcorder walked up to people around the floor and asked them to narrate their experience certain projects. Suddenly the CIO has bank of knowledge about the clients skills necessary, the roadblocks faced, problems, etc., which he puts on the intranet, tags it... and they have a KMS! changed the ClO's title to Chief Story Telling Officer. Symphony That’s the ability to see the big picture to put things together to make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. This ability to generate ideas from different worlds and create something new is enormously important. Empathy: is the ability to read emotions, to empathize with people, to understand where they're coming from, to see with their eyes, to feel with their hearts. Play; we have this perception of business being stem and dowdy. But it turns out thatsome of these light-hearted things are economically viable - humour, laughter. I mean to work a spirit of Joyfulness and by Play I also mean the play industry in particular.Games are the future of advertising. Meaning: As society gets more right side, people stop focusing on survival and moreon purpose, especially in the world of work. In India that transition is happening now. If you want to recruit people you have to offer them something more than a mare pay-check - meaning, challenge, purpose.
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