Save Yourself

The world is perfect the way it is. circumstances and conditions of the world are our thoughts made manifest. The world it is the way it is because that is how we want it to be, if it is not then it represents our our global insanity - our thinking is not working. But the world does not have to be changed, we do! If what we are experiencing is not what we desired or want to experience, then there is somethiing that is not working for us and that needs to be corrected.

If we consider ourselves highly evolved persons and we have created a world that we do not wish to experience there is something wrong with our thinking.

If humanity sees itself as lost, the global circumstances are reflecting that thought. In order to restore order chaos is created and chaos demands more thought energy.and unity to bring order once again. It is clear that as a race of people we have not really evolved very much spiritually. So at an subconscious level we are now creating circumstances in our environmentthat are going to give us an opporunity to learn from our mistakes, and bring out in each one of us, a whole new era of thoughtful enllightenment that is life affirming.

It is not necessary to change to world from what it is. It is within each of us to change our thoughts about the world, and how we want to experince it, and manifest the world that we desire into our present reality. Leave this world alone and create something new. Put all of your thoughts and energy into thoughts of a new world that you wish to experience, and you will create it. You can not sanve the world and the world does not need saving.

You need to save yourself from yourself.


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