Dynamics of Thinking
Thoughts range between two extreems - autistic and realistic. Autistic thinking defined primarily by our own needs, wishes and feelings, whereas realistic thinking is determined largely by the requirements of the objective situation.
Autistic thinking may be frequently indulged in for self gratification without considering the reality.This type of thinking is more primitive mode of thinking, characteric of the unconsious. It manifests itself more clearly in dreams, but presumably exists as an undercurrent in waking life as well. The jumbled thoughts of mentally challenged and of normal people under the influence of certain drugs illustrate its activity, ideas are guided solely by the desire to for immideate wish fullfilment - with no concern for logic, morality, time sequence casual connections or the demands of external reality. Thinking at this level obeys the pleasure principle - seeking of pleasure and avoidance of pain. Doubt, uncertainity and contradictions have no place in autistic thinking.
Realistic thinking on the other hand tends to be productive - to be directed towards action or the solution to a problem.This type of thinking is characteristic mode of preconscious and conscious. Thinking at this level obeys the reality principle - The regulation and control of behaviour according to the demands of the outside world. Anticipation of probable changes in the environment and of consequences of acts leads to the ability to delay gratification be reliquishing immidiate satisfaction in favour of better adjusted and more adaptive long range plan of action.
To understand the basis of thinking it is essential to also know about the dynamics of behaviour.Behaviour refers to the goal directed patterns of reaction which can be observed objectively. It also refers to internal processes such as thinking and emotional reaction, which can be observed introspectively or infered from external behaviour.
To understand and evaluate behaviour in its totality we have to break the entire process into its various components and establish a clear reationship among them and only then can we evaluate others and ourselves in a positive direction.
Still couldnt figure out where am I going wrong!!!
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