Mind is not constant, its concentration waxes and wanes. When the mind wanes the smallest you take action, and follow through to the next action. Don't let your spirit drop. Thoughts arise like a spring at the top of a hill. Unchecked and unattended the water will begin to flow down one part of the slope and will form a well worn gully. You’ve got to divert the spring at it’s source.
If a mans heart is rankling with discord and ill feeling towards you, you can't win him to your way of thinking with all the logic in Christendom. Scolding parents and domineering bosses and husbands and nagging wives or fighting friends ought to realize that people don't want to change their minds. They can't be forced or driven to agree with you or me. But they can be possibly led to, if we are gentle and friendly, ever so gentle and ever so friendly.
It is an old and true maxim that "a drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall ". So with men, if you would win a man to your cause, first convice him that you are his sincier friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart; which, say what you will, is the high road to his reason.
Link to Video on TED Talks by Tony Robbins, Why we do what we do, and how can we do better
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