
In reality, serendipity accounts for one percent of the blessings we receive in life, work and love. The other 99 percent is due to our efforts.-Peter McWilliams

Sure, the web connects the globe, but most of us end up hearing mainly from people just like ourselves, take for instance the video below by TED which has a dropdown in the bottom half for Subtitles so you can see the video as well as read the translations worldwide.And if your language is not there you can add yourself as a translator.

See the subtitle button below the video try selecting your language from that. If it is not visible here can you please try it in the original site www.ted.com

 This is a talk on TED.com by an American named Ethan Zucherman but the ideas represented are the same. Subject of the talk is similar to my post "listening to global voices" although I have skipped major hilarious portions like the initial introduction, football and CALA BOCA, GALVAO which is a topic which topped twitter for a few weeks during the football world cup so this is not a translation of the video above it has more to do with how we gain an understanding of the world around us that is we communicate.

TED's Open Translation Project brings subtitles in 40+ languages to TED.com

 I believe companies like http://www.yeeyan.org/ are already into translating English material for the local population. Online on the www its quite easy to interact globally see image of a Chinese site translated to English by the tool bar above in Google Chrome Browser.

Entire website in a foreign language translated quite quite correctly by translation toolbar in Google chrome except for the layout errors. 
Need to obtain details of internalization on the web see http://www.w3.org/International/
This post is to conceptually gain understanding of status of www in general, in english there is a famous saying "Curiosity killed the cat" so I don't intend to be that cat ;-) So as said by Ethan Zucherman Activisim is pretty easy to get away with, so this may be considered my attempts at it. Conclusions and excerpts from the talk above and me too.

Its not enough that you want to make a personal descission that you want a wider world.
We have to figure out how to rewire the systems that we have.
We have to fix our media,
we have to fix the internet,
we have to fix our education,
we have to fix our immigration policy.
We  need to look at ways of creating serendipity
Of making translation pervasive,
We need to find ways to embrace and celebrate these bridge figures
We need to figure out how to cultivate xenophiles.

Related Post:  How to Fan this Spark into a fire from PickTheBrain.com


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