Trust your Soul
We are all here on this plane, thinking to ourselves "who am I and what am I doing here?" I believe this question is bouncing around in the heads of many people! Some of us then go in search of our answers by asking people whom we think know more than ourselves for help!
We seek guidance from our mediums and psychics, from religions and other groups that we think we might find an answer and in most cases we are still left wondering. Have we asked ourselves why we are not convinced by the answers we get from other people? Well, how can anyone provide you with an answer when they themselves still have the same questions lingering in the back of their own minds, yet they do not have the guts to let you know that they are still searching for that answer for themselves! .
You have to learn to know, understand, believe and be your own .true nature otherwise you will remain lost and confused. In reality no one will let you know what your own truth is. Other people who have managed to work on themselves to discover this for themselves can offer wisdom and guidance but you are still the only one who can find yourself.
You hold the truth in your own hand andyou will always live in limbo until you see from the eyes of your own soul. This is the greatest truth you will ever know! We are not all equal as souls and that is a fact of life. Some of us as souls are higher in our attainment of wisdom, compassion and of knowing the great importance of being true to ourselves than others.
On a human level, we are all still the same except that as humans, we measure and class each other according to our place in society, according to how much money and status we have. In reality we are worth way more than what we think and it is about time that we learnt to look towards how valuable we are as a soul.
Look closely and you will see that on many occasions, all the preaching we give to each other and how we act in accordance to that is usually all contradiction. That seems to have evolved into being human nature over the years. We accept living this way and always find excuses, to make for our decisions and actions then we proceed to complain that nothing in our lives is working! That is the contradiction!
What is a soul? Why do they exist? Why do they need to come into a headache of a plane like this one to experience all those hurdles and tough emotions one lifetime after another and really for what? What is the prestige from all of this when every time they come here they get stuck anyway with the human mentality and its severe limitations? This is why your soul brings you your life events. They come according to your soul's intended plan of progression, hoping that one day you will realise that it is all only about experiences and lessons in the end!
A soul is an accumulated energy centre of progressive knowledge and awareness of true God existence, though not the way we portray it on this plane. God created souls in his or her kingdom in order to let them exist in harmony, with compassion between each other and in unconditional love in order to bring harmony in this universe of ours which we only share a small fraction of.
The longer we resist, fear and distrust our inner voice, the more we will end up feeling wasted and lost. If you go in search of giUdance and still feel lost, do not stop searching for the right answers. You will eventually get help, as long as you are searching for the truth with a good intention for you.
In your time of growth you can only ever be really helped by a soul which is either at or has attained a higher level of evolution than yours. They can distinguish you more easily from the crowd and then you will be able to feel a click and a deep trust and knowing from within your own body. You should also bear in mind that this meeting, when it happens, has already been arranged between your souls and theirs on another level before the meeting happens. Nothing like this ever occurs by coincidence.
Souls are, in essence, pure unconditional love and it is only on the human level that we choose to make judgement by classing people. Your life and growth is all about your soul evolution, so don't give up, even if people put you down and judge you.
Keep fighting for the things which feel right for you and your own soul. Follow your inner guidance, own deeper wisdom to bring you to where you need to be at this point in this moment of time whilst you are on this plane. Always trust your inner guidance because your soul will never let you down.The longer we resist, fear and distrust our inner voice, the more we will end up feeling wasted and lost, says Joseph Ghabi In the Times Of India, Bangalore Edition 11 Mar 2007
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