The Mirror Effect

Like all universal truths, selfempowerment can be understood at many levels, and peeled endlessly like a cosmic onion. Selfempowerment is usually linked with a claiming of your creatorhood — a state of being wherein you realise that you shape your reality, moment-to-moment, through your recurring thoughtsand feelings. At deeper levels we understand that this power of manifestation is only a by-product, much like producing alcohol while manufacturing sugar.

True self-empowerment lies deeper, in the acknowledgement that your life plans, what you perhaps call karma or destiny are wilfully chosen by you for your highest good and growth. Towards certain experiences or learning, towards expansion of self and disempowerment of the limiting aspects within that self. No matter how challenging these may appear, it is by your true free will that you choose your so-called destiny Self-empowerment means self-responsibility Where you comprehend that everything outside of you, which you view as your life or world, is but a reflection of the inner you; there is nothing in your exterior that is not in your interior; you are the cause and the outer is only its effect.

Self-empowerment leads to the profound understanding that there is no other than you. At first you go through a sense of consternation because there is no one to blame — no person, event or thing, neither fate, nor God that you can hold responsible for your life events, because everything comes back full circle to you. It soon dawns on you that if you are wholly responsible for creating your life then you are empowered to enhance it,too. You are not hostage to situations, people, and things outside your self; the point of power is within you and in the now. Blame, judgment, non-forgiveness, fluctuations between feeling the aggressor or victim all start to recede rapidly as you begin to view self as the source of everything outside you.

This brings us to another layer of that cosmic onion and the realisation that self-empowerment is claiming your creatorhood yes, but at tripartite levels — your personal realities (relationships, careers), the environment (countrv political, educational systems), and your world.

The concept of mirrors asks you to view your life and world as your reflection. If you are joyous and loving it will reflect that; if you are filled with doubt and anger it is what you will see in the mirror. Just as you cannot manipulate the reflection in the mirror, you cannot change your world from the outside. This helps you reinforce that all patterns and recurring situations need to be addressed within; otherwise the future is only a mishmash of the past The creator within you is in your belief system, because it is through your recurring thoughts and feelings and focus that you manifest physical life.

You live in what is called a vibrational universe and everything you see and don't see is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Visualise that the field of pure energy surrounding you is your raw material with your beliefs impinging on it; and as critical mass is reached these beliefs become the physical tangibles you call your life or world. Claim your creatorhood. Take responsibility for your life and world. Know that you create moment-to-moment through your feelings, at tripartite levels, and that there is no one other than you. Your life and world is your mirror.


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