Relationship's Now
Relationship between two people has a distinctive signature that arises naturally and automatically. People are in two states in a relationship.
The first is Positive Segment Override, where positive emotion overrides irritability. It's like a buffer. Their spouse will do something and they'll just say "Oh, he's just in a crummy mood." Or they can be in a negative segment override, so that even relatively neutral thing a partner says get perceived as negative.
In negative sentiment override state, people draw lasting conclusions about each other. If their spouse does something positive it's a selfish person doing a positive thing. It's really hard to change the person in those states, and those states determine weather one party tries to repair things the other party sees that as a repair of hostile manipulation.
Example of the above two is depicted in the following example.
Suppose I am talking to my partner and he/she says "Will you shut up and let me finish" In positive Sentiment override I say "Sorry, go ahead" You are not very happy but you recognise the repair.In negative sentiment override, I say "To hell with you. I am not even getting a chance to finish either. You are such a bitch you remind me of your mother"
It is really interesting how much a relationship can impact our lives. Every time you talk to someone and share experiences, you learn new things which can change your outlook on life at least to a certain extent. Sometimes you agree with others' views and you don't, sometimes. Yet, sharing opinions can influence you to a great extent. When you fall out of a relationship, you still have those memories with you. Actually one of the things that really scares me is going away from loved ones, I would say. It just feels so terrible when I think about that. It's so hard to depart from loved ones... But all of us know that one must depart from loved ones. It's the law of nature. But still, heart sometimes refuses to accept even the apparently obvious things. And that's because we always want to live with a pleasant state of mind. We don't want to think about or accept things that can possibly make us feel depressed. It's often tough to deal with the pain. But as everyone knows deep inside, some things are just bound to happen. Or rather, inevitable! And we just have to ...
Move on...
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