Look at the people whenever they get exited, anxious of angry. They actually go mad. Anger is nothing but temporary madness, and it is the same with excitement and anxiety. When you are extremely angry you are crazy; you speak and act in a crazy way. It is temporary state in which you loose your mental balance. - Mata Amritanandamayi . Was just thinking about why am I still acting like a jerk, her quote gave a very good explanation of my anger towards no one. I also have come to believe
I must be mad after reading this in the papers the first thing in the morning :). Now just waiting for a long drive, these drives kind of rejuvatate me. I read it somewhere that Formula1 drivers loose body weight in terms of Kg's during a race so this time gonna log everything time, place,traffic, speed...come on logging weight also will be like taking things to far. I read a good blog of a trip one of my blogger friend named Avi. I will try logging it & blogging it like him lets see how it works out.Hey another peice of info I came across this great piece of software from Google called
Picasa2 it lets you handle picture files very easily, sizing it, touching it up is easy, and blogging it too that too directly from it to this blog! This post was through that desktop program only.
Nice reading, I love your content. This is really a fantastic and informative post. Keep it up and if you are looking for Anger management classes then visit Edmonton Counselling Servcies
ReplyDeleteI agree with a lot of the points you made in this article. If you are looking for the Court ordered anger management, then visit Edmonton Counselling Servcies. I appreciate the work you have put into this and hope you continue writing on this subject.