Understanding the mind

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your life, the only path that would lead to change and appiness is by understanding the pattern-maker - your mind.

The mind is a powerful instrument of consciousness. It is like a yoyo, in the habit of throwing out thoughts in accordance with deeply ingrained habits. These repetitive thoughts generate waves in the consciousness. When the same wave of powerlessness, loneliness, irritation or superiority is produced again and again, it becomes a pattern or a web' which an individual is trapped. And then he wonders why me?

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your life, the only path that would lead to change and happiness is by understanding the pattern maker your mind. The mind has to be understood to be conquered. There are two aspects to this

Understand the negative habits of the mind and consciously substitute them with positive ones. Train the mind to formulate thoughts that are in accordance with your deeper and higher self.Thought is a vibration with force and energy behind it It can move, fly, travel and pervade. In a way, it is with you and yet everywhere, specially, where your intention wants it to be. Besides keeping an ever vigilant eye on your negative thoughts (hatred, self righteousness etc) an individual would enhance his own power by harnessing thought power in the direction of his choice. A thought becomes an extremely potent healing force when it springs from a peaceful mind. A focused thought that springs from the deeper recesses of your mind, in a moment of grief, despair and dire need, or compassion has the ability to turn and trace a path within one's consciousness, to reach a place that is the source.

The human consciousness has a capacity to expand and become one with the universe. This thought is called a prayer. Since time immemorial, human beings have turned in moments of suffering and joy and addressed their thoughts or desires to what they have named God or the law. This entity of absolute power is the centre of every consciousness.

Sharda timesfoundation@timesgroup.com


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