Script your Life

We shape and mould our lives with our thoughts, our expressions and our actions.

  • Are we truly co-creators of our lives?
  • Are we really capable of creating our life's script?

For many,the idea that we can reshape our lives to reflect our deepest dreams and desires is quite simply, impossible to accept. For, if we are really creators, then, why is it that our life's circumstances are in direct opposition to most of our most treasured desires?

The answer to this question lies within our inability to recognise our divine creative powers.We shape and mould our lives with our thoughts, our expressions and our actions. Thus, whatever we focus our thoughts on whatever we choose to verbalise and the actions we set into motion are the attributes that construct our reality

Yet, as soon as you read the last paragraph, you uttered a gasp. Why, how could this be? You search within your thought process and discover that you are always wishing to be happier, healthier and in peace. Why, then, are you still experiencing the manifestation of contrary results?
The answer is simple: Are you expressing what you are thinking?
Are you reaffirming your desire to be happy by striving to maintain a more positive outlook in your life? Or, do you sabotage your own creations and desires by constantly complaining and whining to others about your unfortunate luck?Our creative powers must work in concert in order for the universe to deliver and manifest our dreams and deires.

Compare your creative thoughts to a computer mouse console. This component will only execute your commands; it will click a page open, close or erase a file...but, if you present it with different commands at the same time, it will become confused the mouse will freeze up and stall the computer! So do your mixed bag of thoughts, expressions and actions confuse the universe from receiving a clear message from you!

A typical example of how we constantly contradict our creative powers can be demonstrated in how we often think of a scenario we wish to fulfill. We activate our creative powers of thoughts, and then sabotage it by telling others how we doubt we can ever accomplish our desired goal. In releasing to the universe a mixture of commands, we create discord in the manifestation of our goals' Remember, your divine self is always inviting you to explore and expand your spiritual awareness. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by simply tapping into your creative abilities and begin to benefit from a fulfilling life. Why not begin to consciously create today?


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