You are not Alone

We hear things such as someone is "on a path of self-destruction" or acts as "his own worst enemy." Rarely do we hear accolades of emotional rebirth or those rising from adversity or overcoming obstacles. We need to turn our attention and focus to different routes of growth, different methods of self evolution and I invite you to consider the use of words both actual and coined for the exploration of this phenomenon we call spiritual growth.

Destruction — the all-too familiar phrase used tirelessly by our culture to exemplify a person not acting in his own best interest. Perhaps we recognise behavioral patterns which provoke weaknesses or a propensity for failure, or perhaps we point our ever judgmental fingers at others in order to avoid pointing them at ourselves.
When we notice the self-sabotage at work in someone else, it's only because it's all too recognisable in our own experience. Nonetheless, destruction surfaces when the demons of fruition of effort begin to rise from the fire of impossibility We tend to destroy our opportunities through various methodologies which some call coping mechanisms and continue down the spiral staircase of failure.

As social beings, we adapt to our environment. In doing so, we select the best part of ourselves to demonstrate our competency to the world as a productive member of society. Perhaps we adopt a likeable laugh or a pleasant appearance to fit in with our immediate social strata. Or, sometimes we may change the language we use to fit in with smaller groups of people who can easily relate to the colloquialism. Undoubtedly, aware of our socio-structions or not, we all mold ourselves into an acceptable facade for the approval of our society at large. While some consider this malleability as selling out or even as disingenuous on it's face, it remains something we rely on for our survival in a world where adaptation ensures survivability
The other day, I told a friend, "I'm on a fast path of self-construction!" I'm not tearing down anything as with destruction, I'm working with. "Con" means "with" or "together" and our common use of construction conjures up images of building and civil engineering. Why not engineer a new life for yourself? Work with the structure you already possess and build a new "you" that is positive and makes the best and most of your talents and abilities. When you engage in a process of "with" you cannot simultaneously be destructing anything. Take a look within yourself. In what ways do you put your finest qualities together to create something even greater of yourself? In what ways do you make the most of your lesser characteristics and work with your strengths to present to the world a surprising, revitalised "you"?

When we build ourselves and our lives using affirmative elements, we can bask in the shining accomplishment of a newly created self, standing tall in the world and strong in foundation. Move forward with only the best ingredients of thought and action you can gather and your prostructive efforts will reward you.

Like it or not, we don't go through life alone. We may think we do, but every day our interactions with others balance our sense of'self with the rest of the world around us. Sometimes our partners help us to co-struct something far larger than the relationship at hand. Together, we can work toward common goals and build even greater contribution to the world. For example, the labors of Marie and Pierre Curie co-structing their efforts bore scientific breakthroughs which changed the world.

The ebb and flow, the Yin and Yang of forward momentum and symmetry allow for a dynamic thread of energy which weaves the cloth of creation that cannot be sewn solitarily Yes, "two heads are better than one," but any size group, working in unison holding similar visions with focus and balance can produce exponential and extraordinary results.

Consider the many ways — and every way — you've structured your life and even when you're presented with circumstances that don't fit into the blueprint of your imagination, you'll never know how they'll benefit you until you build your life around the impossible to manifest the reachfor-the-sky edifice of you!
Marlene Buffa in Times Of India 9/9/07


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