Calibrate Your Life And Celebrate

Life is celebration. In order to be able to experience the joy of celebration, you need to first learn to calibrate your life in a manner appropriate for celebration.

Your life starts from a thought. The thinking process keeps generating thoughts. When you enact these thoughts you experience the fruition of your actions. Thought is the root and the outcome of action is the fruit.

Life is evolving; it is changing constantly from the root to its fruit. Between the roots and fruits lie the trunk, branches, leaves, buds and flowers. These are our various thought processes. Thoughts make the mind. As are your thoughts and thinking, so is your mind. And that is your life. The 'tree' of life.

Life also consists of feelings and emotions, called the manas or spiritual heart. Due to prana or the process of breathing, the spiritual heart is connected to the mind. m other words, feelings and emotions are linked with the process of thinking or its product, thoughts.
This connectivity generates more thinking, creating thoughts that make your life emotion and feeling-based as well. The mind is the gateway to the brain which is the seat of intellect or buddhi. So once again, life reaffirms itself and reaffixes itself to the intellect. Your whole life revolves around your mind and intellect.

Your mind and intellect together generate strong likes and dislikes — raag and dvesh — which create intense beliefs and disbeliefs. These lead us to love and hate relationships with fellow human beings and also with Divinity When we understand this true aspect we can clearly see that our life is based on our mind, level of intelligence, strong beliefs and disbeliefs.
Seers have established that we are a part of the Supreme Spirit. This is our link with the Divine source. We need to form our life around the Supreme Spirit, who is Parama, also known as the soul or atman. Soul also means spandana or vibrations. We need to get firmly established in the Divine source. We need to restructure our lives from being thinking-based to being vibrations-based. Just as an object vibrating at high speed does not allow even a single particle of dust to stick to it, intense vibrations of the soul blow away residual and negative thoughts, beliefs and disbeliefs.

How should we convert our lives from being thought-based to being vibrations-based? To move from thought based to vibrations based life, seek the company of the holy and the wise, attend satsangs, read and assimilate wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Upanishads and other world scriptures and learn more about the lives of the accomplished. Practise meditation, mantra chanting orjapa, and intense sadhana. Try to follow spiritual and divine traditions.

By doing so the mind, intellect, beliefs and disbeliefs, likes and dislikes, which have prevented vibrations of the soul to be felt and experienced, recede to the background and there is a spontaneous ignition of soul energy that is released. This energy release brings out waves of bliss, where we feel immense happiness,satisfaction, joy and contentment.

The transition brings a blissful life without worries. We experience a joyful, thoughtless state of being, full of peace and contentment. Life is without anxiety and fear. We calibrate our life and celebrate forever.

Discourse: Shri Nimishananda
Website: Thanks Anonymous


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