How To Make This New Year Your Best Year Yet

"Awakening is possible only for those who seek it and want it, for those who are ready to struggle with themselves and work on themselves for a very long time very persistently in order to obtain it." - G.I Gurdjieff
5 Step Process to make this your best year yet.

1. Celebration,
Write down what wins do you need to Celebrate from the past 12 months.
2. Education,
With better awareness you can make better choices, with better choices you are bound to see better results. Write down what are the 3 best business lessons you learnt  from the last year. What are the three best life lessons over the past year.
3. Clarification,
Clarity Precedes Mastery. What are your big 5 goals for this year. What are your to 5 values for the next 12 months. Creativity + Audacity = Mastery, write down your 15 Goals in the  key areas of your life.
4. Graduation,
Take your goals, values and big 5 for the next twelve months and put them into a plan. Put the above into a monthly graduating plan sequencing all of the activities on a double sided page scheduled for execution over the next 12 months.
5. Visualization,
Emotionally engage with what your life will look like in the key areas of your life. Picture what your life look like if all the above are fulfilled. Revisit this picture every few days, consciously or sub consciously your behavior will be aligned with your visualization. That will drive your behavior.
Related Post "60 Tips for a stunningly great life"


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